Friday, November 18, 2011

hit the lights

hopefully u will happy with ur life..
after all we have been through..
thanks so much for what have u done..

Monday, October 24, 2011

letih nyer...

pd jam 4am... siap sudah eco... waaaaa, freaking enough... menakutkn la nk wat & present pg nnti.. hope ok la...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

after a while

dear sunshine.. it been a while i haven't update my blog...
this is because i felt like boring to update my blog..
i been rehabbed myself for 4 months long...
i thought i can go through this time...
but after u are far away from me.. it felt like my life so sorrow..

hehehe.. sorry dear.. sje je nk wat sedih..
i windu u la...
tggu ye.. i balik hjg mggu nie.. pas konvo k...
i missing all my sidekicks...
i know that i miss them,...
but i haven't an effort to see them...
don't know why...

my life here, as u know....
byk sedih dri happy...
u kn tahu yg i nie klau sedih slalu je wat happy..
but i x sangka last time, i mmg nangis gler2...
dh lma x camtu.. tue mmg reallly2 stress...

project kita camne? matlamat x tcapai2 lgi kn?
bila la nk tcapai kn?
suka kt owg.. but dri jauh je kn...
mmg x bbaloi kn...
for now, just focus on my study only..
mlas nk fkir owg lain..
yg ptg, i have a enjoyful, sweet, nice friend to enjoy sometimes..

u pn sbuk kn.. nk wat camne.... owg keseorangan at last..
hey, belanja i bubble tea tau.. mlas la nk update kt fb..
nnti smua tau lak....
huhuhuhu.... well, c u then...

Sunday, July 17, 2011


whatever things happened in my life,
i still love u, u are always in my heart..
although u never thought 'bout me again..
just do not throw away all our memories..
it just too pain to see that reality...
that killing me..
'cuz u just like a cheater, a liar, a killer...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Silver or Gold......

There's no sound when you're gone...
We're not the first ones to be divided...
Won't be the last to be reunited...

one by one the person that i love leaved me..

from year to year... i afraid to admit it..
but it gave a huge missing in my life... 

hope the ones that with me now, didn't like the others..
afraid to walk alone again.. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


during my visit at Madinah &  Makkah, i didn't think anything.. not worried anything.. my head felt so light... but now, when i came back here, i felt something messed about.. worried about smth that i didn't know at all... i think they are not remember me at all.. just one.. that always ask me.. my hp is silent at all.. before i go there.. and also after i been back home... really miss some1.. but who's that.. always felt miss some1.. who's that person... i tried to figure out. but i didn't discovered it.. well, God will give sign when the time comes...

Friday, May 20, 2011

never told you

this one for the person for that i knew so much bout her..
this music video is for you....
p/s : heheh.....

Friday, April 22, 2011

i hate this love song.....

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
 Teadrops in the rain

I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are
 I wish you're coming back to me again
 And everything's the same like it used to be

I see the days go by and still I wonder why
 I wonder why it has to be this way
 Why can't I have you here just like it used to be

I don't know which way to choose
 How can I find a way to go on ?
 I don't know if I can go on without you oh

Even if my heart's still beating just for you
 I really know you are not feeling like I do
 And even if the sun is shining over me
 How come I still freeze ?

 I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say
 I wish you're flying back to me again
 Hope everything's the same like it used to be

Thursday, April 21, 2011


setelah hbiskn exam yg ke-2 tuk mggu nie....
ptg nie bru realised... 
saya pkai bju kurung ungu.... 
hehe... mcm rsa g ofis pkai bju warna ungu lak..
miss that times... huhu..

well, 4 papers to go..
chaiyok2!!! jgn mlas lisa..
asyik nk hubernate je... hahhaa...
tggal bpe hari je nk bsama ngan yg lain..
then, tggalkn UiTM yg didiami slma 3 thn....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


well, lately i felt like demotivated...
i have known this a long time ago..
but tried to be realistic enough...
because of not pretty enough + fat...
i got the low marks...
even i always sat in front the class + also didn't absent from that...
but anyone didn't recognize me all...
have unique name but not unique face + figures...
hahhahahhaaa...... what the life means to me right?
in every gathering that i always go for...
i always be the ones that been ignored almost 80% of the times...
well, that the life nowadays....
so, i like to be at my own world...
with my family + also my friends.....
i tried to be avoid to be involved with people as i don't feel hurt anymore...

sorry a millions time as to the persons that been hurt because of my actions...
i don't means to be like that.... but that's me...
i try to be just what i need.. but i can't...
sorry for that... i will always love you + miss u, frenz....
thanks for being super2 nice frenz to me...

i miss you three gurlz.... al, myra + jirah....
you too... jay... ali... plus yamin.....

p/s : i can be said that i have the inferior complex in me... =)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

please don't leave me...

lucky i have celebrate my 21st birthday yesterday...
till now, i have done nothing for myself...

i hate of being keep asking bout bf...
felt hectic + annoying enough OK...

other people having bf like changing their clothes..
but me, not even ones...
not being jealous or something....
just curious only...

it's OK... as long i have my family + friend who truly knew me enough...
it's will keep me happy although in my heart, only me + God know...
i'm always show like i'm happy
but nobody know bout my feelings

always hear to d peoples's feeling or talks...
but not everybody can hear my shutout or feelings....
oh God, sorry for said this....

many people thinking of me in love..
oh no.. it's just only my friends + family that only i have..
but a boyfriend as you said...
that i pity enough to look like that?
maybe i enjoy talk but i not easy to fall in love...
but i don't know...
when i like somebody, it's must be someone bf or he doesn't into me...
pity rite?

my family always keep talking bout how me when having a boyfriend..
just silent, because there are nothing to said so...

i think i will not go for training again...
sorry for that, i want it so much...
but i need prepare myself for d journey..
i want to find myself... i want to find my peace....

Thursday, March 31, 2011


alhamdulillah.. amin2..
dh selesai pn final projek.... hehe...
lega sgt3... rsa nk nangis la.. 
nk lepaskn segala pilu, marah dlm hati...
i need laut or pantai la...

yg plg best.. tdi tepon mama..
yg tkejut sgt2 nie.. mama ckap..
daddy bsing lak kwn ngan boyfrenz owg... tunang owg..
nie x lgi kwn ngan laki owg..
hai.. susah toll... mampus..
lgpn aku nie mmg la x pnah da bf...
so, enjoy la hdup bkwan.. kwn ngan smua owg...
tpi daddy x suka..
tiap2 hari asyik tnya psal bf...
nek myampah la..... bosan tol..
xde soalan lain lgi???

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

janji kita..

well, it seem quite a long time haven't write here..
skrg nie ngah msa2 genting... dlm 2 mggu nie mmg mggu sgt2 tenat..
this sem, exam 7 papers dlm msa 10 hari sje...
too constraints rite?as well, have to accept that... 

hey, you.. really miss u dear..
hurmm.. new crush?? no way...
x nk fkir la.. wlpn parents bg green light..
kwn2 bg.. ntah la.. bkn msa nyer lgi..
otak serabut sgt2.. x leh fkir ttg owg lain la skrg..

so, gud luck to me!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


well, thanks for being with me..
hehe.. now starting to speed up my acceleration...
hahaha... starting to busy again and again..
i think i will miss all of this after i have finished till 14th weeks..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

nothing to say

please stop crying lysa...
it's exhausted la...
why la stiap msa je mata senang nk mgalir...
hati sgt rapuh skrg...
hate that.. 

like something will happen la..
rsa hati x sedap, bdebar2...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

wherever u goes, i will always in your heart..
although time past away.. even the seasons changes...
i always thinking bout you, pray for you....
you are still the lighting in my life even from miles away.. 

i can't give more than i could...
just the ears to hear anything..
sorry for being such a clumsy, ignorant person for both of you..
for all the times we know... 
i will pray for both of you k..

thanks Sunshine, Mr. MEYS

this ones of my fav songs...
lovin the lyrics... 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

yum yum yum.....

well, after been thinking it very clearly...
i decided to save all the money back into tabung haji...
yesterday, have already save the amount that to use for degree..
so, i only have used a quarter.. 
then, others 3/4 will be use as the expenses for this month..
so, just 1/8 have been taken ok..
so, jgn gatal2 nk guna lgi..
nnti time degree, xde duit lak yer... hehehe...
so, senang kn?? saya xleh la duit byk dlm tgn....
nnti shopping, hbis la.. hahahhaha...

Sunday, January 30, 2011


2 days... discovery of clothes..
yesterday, bought 2 types of SB Lines clothes for me...
they also bought for themselves...
kurta, tudung, order baju melayu...

today, i bought myself SB Line again - but pink nyer..
using my own money..
also bought for 'them'... 

well, tomorrow i will send those 6 of them to the tailor..
hehe.. nama pn perempuan kn...
but last month, i have send about 7 of them..
xpe2.. boleh pkai time kenduri ker, time da function ker.. 
love the clothes...

p/s : nk beli Vivaz pink boleh x?? 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

S.B Line

hey, i got jack pot...
money from the interest rate of insurance...
mummy said can't be used to use for food or eat..
so, she said that i can buy myself a phone..
daddy said buy blackberry phone..
but i don't know.. should or not...
but i want to get my 'kutu' first on this june..
then, i will decide it k.. rite??

my uncle said Ipad is not worthy...
i will get bored after sometimes...
i now confused...
Ipad, Ipod or SE??? 
if nk blackberry, i can get much better la if 'kutu' plus interest money..

so, i will ask my brother..
he knows everything bout gadgets...

hope i will get that one after i have used all my money that i save for Ipod touch... 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


saya nk balik la..
tetiba ada event ari jumaat smpai tghari..
wajib lak tue..
yg best, dh la tket kul 11.10am..
igt boleh je balik awal...
mna tau da event lak..
ish3... mcm2 la..
npe la sem nie mcm2 dugaan? 
penat la.. rsa mcm x mampu harungi lgi la..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Again and again..

I just want to go home rite now...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CRUSH, just go away from me...

well, this week totally exhausted..
this wednesday, thursday, friday, sunday...
finish on the cost plan..
ready taking off all element with my group mate...
chaiyok2.. hahahha...

hey, Sunshine.. imysm...
to both my brothers, nnti kita lepak time CNY..
windu la kt smua owg.. 
xde owg nk wat lawak, dgr owg ketawa like u two... 

p/s : almost nk naik x btul.. xleh on9 slma 5 hari..
miss u dear BLOG...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


well, now at 2 am..
have finished done the CV for project..
starting to get the mood + also the beat of my life plus my study..
2nd week now, should more serious rite..
chaiyok2 all my team member..
arini 2 klas bsila ramai2 kt corridor, mcm best la.. 
sronok bgelak ketawa wlpn byk kje..
sometime x leh la over stress kn???

hey, Miss SUNSHINE.. i miss u so much.. hehe..
cantik la apa yg awak wat tue.. 
ciut sgt2..

to MR. MEYS, thanks for sweet post..
wlpn saya slalu je kcau abg kn, msg2 tnya mcm2..
saya windu la lawak + gelak tawa abg..

to MR. NUMIAM, windu la kt abg gak..
huhu.. jgn salah sangka lak ye..
xpe2.. nnti msg lisa la.. mmg la time ptg susah nk angkat kol...

p/s : nk balik boleh x?? ish3.. xleh la, nk present project nnti.. 
xpe2.. nnti hjg mggu tggal sowang lgi la.. =)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


nie just nk tulis apa yg saya nak.. gatal kn???
huhuhu.. well, tggu duit da, boleh la beli kn... 

huhu.. melampau kn? angan2 tggi je lebih..
vivaz dh kluar - dlm RM 890 - 920 (now).. dlu2 RM1,799..
xperia arc blum kluar lgi la.. msti harga nnti sgt walla.. hahah..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

so merry....

last nite, g tdo kt bilik Jirah skali ngan Mira + Alyaa gak...
sje je.. alang2 wat kje + sembang2.. hehehe..
tdo dh lmbt.. then, bgelimpangan + kesejukan wlpn msg2 bselimut...

i'm so delighted.. today habiskn masa ngan Miss B + Miss Sidekick....
kul 11 am, diaowg dtg amek ngan MYVI Silver (bau kedai lgi).. 
sje je nk kluar.. g beli tket balik Penang.. alang2, g mkn nasi ayam penyet..
2 pinggan la.. x sangka leh mkn byk.. kt dlm uitm, mknn x best mcm dlu la..
then, bru mnuju ke Tesco.. aku yg nk beli brg.. diaowg pn tumpang skali..
byk gler brg beli.. nsib la duit elaun dpt fuh byk kali nie..
mmg shopping sakan padahal bru je last sabtu g tesco gak..
hahahaha.. this time, smpat beli tudung.. sje je nk try.. tpi 4 helai skali beli..
beli warna common je la.. nnti bila ok, bleh la shopping lgi kn...

well, tdi balik kemas2 la brg2.. kn arini Sabtu, hari tnpa beg plastik..
nsib la igt bwak beg shopping kn.. bwak 3 beg shopping tau.. besar..
bila dh hbis kemas meja tulis, rak mknn, almari... start nk myapu...
then, dpt kol from MR. MEYS... tkejut gak + sgt2 tharu la..
mmg windu pn kt dia + MISS SUNSHINE....
sembang la mcm2 ngan dia.. rsa sronok la.. 
cuz rsa now serabut ngan asgmt.. wlpn bru start 1 week..
rsa ttekan la wlpn xde la truk sgt pn..
maybe i'm too serious.. but i should kn??

pas MR. MEYS kol, kol MUMMY lak.. dh dia kol tdi x sempat angkat.. 
byk gak ckap kali nie.. tkejut gak mama tnya mcm2..
dia tnya camne kuliah, kwn2, owg2 di Pakatan gak..
hehehe.. i windu umah la.. cuz nie la plg lama dok umah..
lama dh x merasa dok umah lama2 tau... last time hbis SPM..

gambar kt atas nie.. smua buku2.. nota2 yg bwak dri last sem..
if nk kumpul smua sem nyer buku + nota.. lgi la byk..
nie letak atas meja kecik la.. x nk semak kn meja tulis la..
bila letak semua nie, xde la tempat nk wat kje + on9.. hehe..

so, mlm nie nk wat Meas siap2.. then, esk nk la bsedia apa2 yg ptut..
nie nk menikmati Double Cheese Burger.. yum2..
listening to Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie (Part 2) ft. Eminem
see u then, love u all... muahhh..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dan bila esok..

You change your life by changing your heart.  

well, now dh hjg mggu.. i miss all my sidekick.. 
although i have friends here, but i still can't tell them bout my heart feelings..
rsa mcm smth wrong with me.. mcm da brickwall in front of me... 
rite, cinta harus berkorban.. wlpn just self conflicts.. but it still not good rite...

i just miss u la, sunshine.. i felt like my world so dark.. 

p/s : ptut ke nk beli hp baru??? x yah kot, nk tukar pkai line trus la.. 
bosan tol la ngan services asyik x dpt jer.. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moving on...

tetiba lak igt gambar nie... 

well, dh masuk dh hari kedua klas...
dh start dpt byk asgmt la.. but i still be ok lg la...
starting cari2 maklumat, nk siapkn asgmt yg mna perlu diutamakan..

p/s : wish me LUCK'ssssss..... 

1 of my fav songs which stuck in my head rite now.. 

Monday, January 3, 2011


1ST DAY class

mula2 rsa xde prsn.. but nk gak try to be alert now...
but ntah la.. kena smgtkan diri la.. now dh start dpt asgmt..

projek dh start dpt.. slmt sediakn diri yer smua.. so, jirah, faiz, amin, firdaus - chaiyok2.. sma2 brusha tuk yg tbaik + tboom...

to MR. MEYS = saya mlas nk kcau la.. nnti bila2, saya contact k.. saya dh x mkn nasi lemak or bihun goreng pas hbis kt pakatan.. pelik kn???

Saturday, January 1, 2011

sometime, someday, somewhere....

i have ended my 2010 year with the fever + 2 other sickness.... well, x best la kn camni.. bru igt nk hbiskn masa2 kt umah ngan spenuhnyer.... ari khamis + jumaat - tbaring keletihan......

 i will always remember all the times we spent together... i know that we can't predict every1 to remember all about u... i will always remember all bout my frenz evendo they are not contact u again... u all, always in my heart....


for this 2011,
i just want to focus to my study.. i don't want to be good, but to be excellent o myself..
i knew that it is quite tough, but i will try + remember all the ones i love around me...

this one of the songs that i lovin'....

it is hard to say goodbye.. i will not say that because we will meet again.....